Tibetan Mastiff: a shaggy giant dog that sees the soul of a person


Tibetan mastiff

Country of origin: Tibet
Type: guard and security dog, companion
Weight: up to 80 kg
Tibetan MastiffHeight (height at withers): from 61 to 81 cm
Eyes: medium size, dark brown, squinting.
Ears: medium size, triangular in shape.
Head: large, wide.
Muzzle: Deep, square-shaped, with large lips hanging down to the sides.
Nose: black, wide, with well-opened nostrils.
Neck: massive, muscular, pronounced scruff.
Body: has a strong skeleton, strong developed muscles. The physique is large and powerful.
Back: straight.
Chest: deep, falling below the elbow.
Feet: strong, round, convex. On the back of the paws there are fringes - areas with longer hair.
Tail: Long, bushy, arched over the back, set high.
Coat: Warm enough to allow the dog to survive in the mountains. Starting from the back of the head, the dog's shoulders and neck are covered with a real, impressive, thick mane of protruding hair. The fur is two-layered: the outer layer is straight, rough to the touch wool, and the inner layer is fluffy, dense and thick.
Color: black, golden, chestnut, gray. There are also Tibetan mastiffs in the following colors: black + yellow-brown, golden-brown, gray + brown. White spots on the chest and small spots on the paws are acceptable. There are also golden markings above the eyes, on the bottom of the paws and in the tail.
Life expectancy: 10-14 years.
History of the origin of the breed

The Tibetan Mastiff breed is very ancient. It originated in the northern Himalayan mountains. Tibetan mastiffs are descended from wolves, without any admixture of jackal blood. It is also believed that all Molossians originated from these hardy, large breeds.
History of the Tibetan Mastiff breed

The breed was domesticated approximately 6,000 years ago. The Tibetans used their large dogs "do-kui" (another name for these animals) with thick, warm hair to guard their homes and herds. Tibetan mastiffs were also used to guard monasteries and help nomads in the Himalayan mountains. Giant dogs protected their owners and their lands from the most ferocious and dangerous predators: tigers, wolves, snow leopards, etc.

Representatives of this breed, even before the beginning of our era, were exported by trade caravans from their usual habitat. Tibetan mastiffs are mentioned in the Chinese Book of Changes Shu-king (1122 BC). Aristotle also described them in his outstanding works. Ancient Egyptian frescoes found depict dogs of impressive size, so similar to Tibetan mastiffs, during fights with bulls and lions. Indeed, this breed was used in military affairs. She also took part in various battles.

There is information about the participation of dogs in gladiatorial fights, military service among the ancient Romans, Genghis Khan and in the campaigns of Alexander the Great. It is not difficult to guess that a giant dog, possessing such developed security skills, wary of strangers and encroachments on the territory he protects, could be taught to fight both against predators and against humans.

The great traveler Marco Polo also admired these mysterious animals. He so vividly and colorfully described the dogs as furious giants, with blood-filled eyes from anger, that all of Europe wanted to look at the furry monsters. However, Queen Victoria, who was famous for her love of mini-dogs, was lucky enough to be the first to see the ferocious giant. The first time a fluffy Tibetan mastiff puppy set foot on European soil was in 1847. This is by no means an evil monster, but a cute, furry Tibetan that looks either like a bear cub or a lion cub, was given to Queen Victoria by Lord Charles Harding (Viceroy of India). The Tibetan mastiff Siring went down in history as the very first representative of the breed to set foot on the lands of distant Europe.
Mountain giant from Tibet

In the 1880s, two more mountain giants of different sexes were brought to England by King Edward VII.

In 1898, mastiffs brought from the Himalayan mountains were shown to the public at London Zoo. However, unsuitable living conditions (cramped enclosures, crowds of curious, noisy onlookers, unusual climate) only caused aggression and depression in the dogs. And the British, seeing this, firmly believed in the inaccessibility and fierce temperament of the majestic animals. But despite all this, the breed, under the auspices of Kings Edward VII and George V, still received its admirers in European lands.

In the middle of the 19th century. the dogs end up in the United States as a gift to President Eisenhower. The present, unfortunately, turned out to be unsuccessful, because Mr. was expecting animals of a completely different breed - small Tibetan terriers. The mastiffs remained to live with his friend, however, their role in the life of the new owner was reduced mainly to protecting the yard territory.

Attempts were also made to breed Tibetan mastiffs at the Berlin Zoo, but at that time - and until the twentieth century, unfortunately, nothing worked. Representatives of the breed died without producing offspring. It was even believed that Tibetan dogs are capable of living only in the harshest, coldest climates.

Many famous dog handlers

studied representatives of this ancient breed. Interest in mastiffs was caused by the gigantic size, endurance and location of these animals. This giant is able to survive in the harsh Himalayan winter with piercing winds and severe frosts even without a kennel, because it is warmed by such thick and dense wool.
Mastiff training

Today, representatives of the breed, of course, are bred by dog handlers and admirers of Tibetans. Regular special breed exhibitions of these dogs are held, where mastiffs show off in front of admiring visitors. Nowadays, representatives of the breed are found, in addition to Asia, in Europe and America (as companions). Tibetan puppies cost a pretty penny. Not every fan of the breed can cope with the character and temperament of animals and caring for such thick fur. Not everyone has the opportunity to provide their massive pet with the area it needs.

When China annexed the territory of Tibet, representatives of the breed had a hard time: their owners became impoverished and many were no longer able to take care of their huge pets. Tibetan mastiffs were saved from complete extinction by King Mahendra, who in 1966 introduced a program aimed at protecting these amazing animals. With the development of tourism, the number and distribution of dogs around the world began to grow.
Character of a Tibetan

This dog knows how to make decisions on his own. This strong-willed quality of character was developed among representatives of the breed over many centuries of protecting grazing livestock away from the owner. The dog has an independent character.

The Tibetan Mastiff is a serious dog with extremely strong guarding and protective instincts. He has territory - he is obliged to guard and defend it. A surprise awaits any uninvited guest - a meeting with the incredulous gaze of a shaggy giant, zealously guarding his home and plot.

The dog gets along well with members of its pack, if there is one. For example, when herding a herd, a family contract of mastiffs or a group of dogs of the same breed were often involved. The flock acted in concert and together, distributing responsibilities among themselves, helping each other and guided by one goal: to keep the herd under control and safe.

The hunting instinct is also by no means dulled in representatives of this breed of dogs. Harsh living conditions contributed to its preservation. After all, even after completing his job perfectly, the dog received as a reward not a large appetizing piece of meat, but only... a flour-based muffin or flatbread. So the poor fellow had to get more tasty food for himself on his own. Tibetan dogs hunted wild ungulates such as yaks, as well as wild large cats, boars, and rodents.

In fights, battles and fights, the Tibetan mastiff aims not to attack his opponent head-on, but to act in such a way as to save the rest of the pack members, bypassing them, while the most important thing for him is the inevitable victory, and not the process of fighting itself.

Tibetans are characterized by such a character trait as stubbornness. With all due respect, this dog is not ready to obey even its beloved owner every time. It will definitely not be possible to train a dog to follow any command if he does not consider it necessary. But the usual method, which works on almost all other dogs - offering treats will not work, because the incorruptible giant is almost indifferent to treats.

The Tibetan Mastiff is capable of respecting, obeying, obeying and making friends only with the person who is an authority for him. From a young age, a dog must understand that the person in charge in the house is the person, the owner. During puberty, male dogs may again have a desire to check whether this is so. The dog is capable of disobeying and his respect will need to be earned a second time. From among his household members, the mastiff will choose the strongest in spirit and will consider this person to be his true master.

The Tibetan dog demands respect. Rudeness, aggression and undeserved punishment will entail retaliatory aggression from the animal. In addition, after an unpleasant incident, the dog may “withdraw into itself,” become withdrawn and no longer come into contact with the person who offended him.

The Tibetan Mastiff is an intelligent, reasonable, persistent and reserved dog. And this is also a devoted companion, and in no case a lap dog, periodically playing the role of a jester in order to earn the attention and approval of the owner.

This large pet is calm, melancholic, modest, with a sense of self-esteem.

He loves being with people close to him, but sometimes he needs time to “be alone.”
Interesting things about Tibetan mastiffs

     Unfortunately, to this day, in some post-Soviet countries, representatives of the breed are used to participate in brutal dog fights.

     The owner is perceived by the dog as a member of the same pack, with high rank and authority, so his loss is experienced very hard.

     The Tibetan Mastiff's bark is truly impressive. Outwardly modest and reserved dogs

and is capable of scaring the enemy to death with just one bark, more reminiscent of a roar. Tibetans gave their pets warm milk to soften their voices.

     Interesting facts about Tibetan mastiffs There are known cases of cloning of these animals in China.

     Nowadays, the Chinese cross Tibetan mastiffs with chow chows and representatives of some other breeds, as a result of which “Chinese mastiffs” appeared: more shaggy and larger individuals with lips (jowls) that sag heavily on the sides. This is the so-called “lion type” of mastiffs. It is believed that lion-like dogs may soon even be identified as a separate new breed.

     Tibetans believe that the golden marks above the dog’s eyes are for a reason. This is a sign that the dog is able to discern your soul, and can also foresee death. White spot on dog's chest? This is a sign of a brave and brave heart. A spot on your chin? Your pet will bring you good luck. Well, if you can feel the protruding bone under the dog’s thick mane, you should know: this Tibetan mastiff has outstanding intellectual abilities.

     Tibetans treat their dogs with respect and often dye their scruff bright red as a sign of honor. This mane looks very elegant and solemn!

     The age of puberty in giant animals occurs with a delay: in girls - upon reaching 2-3 years, in boys - after 4 years.

     If a Tibetan mastiff gets into a fight with another dog, it is best to separate the raging animals by dousing them with cold water from a hose.

     The wool of these shaggy pets is suitable for knitting extremely warm garments.

Caring for a furry animal

Caring for a Mastiff


     Such a large dog needs a fairly large territory, because its protective instincts require application. It is better not to get a Tibetan if it is not possible to live in a country house. In an ordinary apartment, a dog is cramped, stuffy and hot.

     The area where your Tibetan will live must be surrounded by a high fence (1.5 m).

     The dog also needs an enclosure - durable and capable of keeping such a giant inside if necessary. Concrete the base so that your dog does not dig under it. Install a rebar grille. There should be a flooring on top of the enclosure. But don’t lock your dog up for a long time. Try to let them out at night to walk around the area.


     It is very important to socialize the animal. The temperament of the suspicious guard and protector dog is such that from childhood it is necessary to accustom him to people. The dog must understand that not every stranger or animal is hostile. This will allow the pet, as it grows up, not to become withdrawn and too distrustful.

     The Tibetan does not like guests and other strangers visiting his territory. He is skeptical even towards friendly people.

     Mastiffs are calm towards children, they do not tend to show aggression without reason, but due to the specific nature and large dimensions of the animal, it is best to have such a pet in homes without children. Well, if there are children in the family, then be sure to ensure that they do not show aggression towards the powerful dog.

     It is necessary to take safety measures: if families with small children come to visit you, the dog may consider the children’s cries as an alarming signal and react aggressively or in some other way that is unpredictable for everyone. To avoid unpleasant incidents, you should lock the animal in an enclosure while guests are visiting.

     The dog must be taught commands and rules of behavior. For example, immediately stop attempts to growl at the owner during feeding or jump on a person, even if it is out of a “tenderness” towards him.

     During walks, it is important to periodically change the usual route - the dog may get used to it and consider it its territory, which should be protected from strangers.


     Tibetans eat little. They only need to eat once a day to feel normal. But with all this, it is very important for the animal to have free access to clean drinking water, which it is advisable to pour into a special bowl.


     A Tibetan puppy should not be left alone. Despite the fact that adult dogs can easily cope for some time without the presence of an owner nearby, for kids loneliness is a great stress. The puppy may well feel that he was punished for something and his human friend no longer wants to see each other.

     It is best not to get a Tibetan for an unprepared person. In addition, even a trained person is not always able to cope with training a shaggy giant if he suddenly decides to stop obeying and learning commands. Before training, it is advisable to purchase leashes for giant breed dogs in advance. It is important that training the dog, of course, is not boring for it. The dog is able to weigh the pros and cons: is it worth following this command or not? Perhaps the owner is just having fun this way.


     Thick fur requires periodic special care.

by any means, otherwise tangles will form on the animal.

     For combing (it is recommended to do this once a week), you should use a stronger metal brush. Dogs do not shed often and this is a definite plus for this breed.

Walking with your pet

     The dog should be walked or given the opportunity to run freely/calmly walk around the area 3-4 times a day for 40 minutes. A hardy animal, although it has strong bones, is still not advised to overdo physical activity due to its heavy weight.

     Make sure you have strong harnesses for walking (designed for giant breed dogs), a muzzle, strong collars (you need to stock up on them for future use!), a chain, and stock up on carabiners.

How to walk a Tibetan MastiffSomething else

     If you want to adopt a Tibetan, keep in mind that the animal often sleeps during the day. But at night his restlessness reaches its peak. Never scold your dog for being nocturnal.

     Adult Tibetan mastiffs love to dig in the yard, in the territory entrusted to them. Keep this in mind when planting flowers in a flower bed, of which there will simply not be a trace left.

     Representatives of this breed often roll out in the mud, swim in puddles, bury themselves in heaps of fallen leaves... This is how they mask the dog’s smell. The harsh conditions of survival in ancient times bore fruit and this manifested itself in the form of dog habits like these. Therefore, take care of antiparasitic agents in advance.

So, today we introduced you to a new breed of dog - the “Tibetan Mastiff”. And if you are planning to get (or have already done so) a pet of a large or even giant breed, then all the products you are interested in caring for such a tailed friend can be found in the catalog of the E-ZOO online store: food for large breed dogs, slicker brushes, bowls , muzzles, harnesses, leashes, vitamins and medications, hair care products, anti-parasitic products, durable toys and much more.

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